I went on an Alpha course in East London 12 years ago to tell those Christians they were deluded, and to ‘get a grip!’ What a surprise I had…they did have a grip. I was astounded at how little I knew then about Jesus and the faith of Christianity. Moreover I was genuinely shocked at how much evidence there is to show significant reasons supporting the Christian faith. I only intended to eat their food and attend 1. I was hooked and wanted to ask more questions. I made good friends, finished the course, and in the last 3 years have run 6 courses! Please come and explore “Why am I here” with our small friendly team at MND. Tuesdays at 7pm (for hot food) from 19th Jan over 11 sessions. Phone me (Andy) on 07931-652718 anytime with questions you probably have. Two FAQ answers are 1) It is free and 2) you don’t have to attend all the sessions. Be blessed, Pastor Andy <><