Pastor’s Blog October 2017.
Hi Church Family.
As I type this Autumn is looming, Harvest services being prepared, and empty shoe boxes have arrived for Christmas appeal…yes Christmas! I refuse to give in, am still wearing T shirts, and the central heating remains ‘off’ a bit longer!
The past few weeks have seen the launch of our new ‘Family at 4’ (F@4) service and Tuesday evening Prayer Engine, (Prayer@8). As we already have our normal Sunday morning Service and normal Prayer Engine Thursday morning we are stretching our small church further than many surrounding larger churches.
It is good to stretch! It is normally the first thing we do when we wake up. Also after exercise, the opposite if you like, and again we stretch and it is good for us. It is good not to just sit and be comfortable. We need to push ourselves.
I am the local Advanced Driving Examiner, and meet diverse people who have put the extra the training hours in then voluntarily put themselves exam conditions. Virtually without exception they all say although they were apprehensive at the start, they thoroughly enjoyed the experience at the end. And they are better drivers for having pushed and stretched themselves.
When was the last time you stretched, and put yourself under a bit of pressure but you knew it was for the best long-term? Whether it is physical, skilful, or spiritual, how about doing something a bit extra this Autumn? If you haven’t been to any of our extra services, please ‘stretch’ yourself, it will do you good and it would be great to see you.
Blessings, Pastor Andy.