Pastors Blog Nov 2016

By | 29th October 2016

Hi Readers.


I type this from a very interesting conference being run by our previous Minister, David Hughes.

He helps lead a national organisation called Rural Ministries, helping smaller village churches to healthily grow. And growing means changing.

This is all about the thorny subject of ‘change.’ I like the phrase “Change is constant; it is the rate of change that changes.” Apart from God and His Scripture, (Heb 13:8  ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever’) somebody once said, “if it isn’t changing, it is already dead.)

This has got me thinking about all of us at Morton New Day. If we reflect over the year, when is the last time we did anything that might be described as ‘new, risky, edgy, or radical?’ Moreover, do the good people in our community know about it/them?

If David and Rosie popped back in, and they are very welcome, what change would they notice?

Well, we now run activities pretty much every day (and evenings!) of the week. New faces in the flock. And maybe the big piece of wall missing between the Chapel and Back room! Hopefully the folding glass doors will be fitted next week.

But the real change comes within each of us. As I have been constantly preaching recently, ‘It starts with our hearts.’

The last speaker, Fred, told a story of a single mum who dressed in heavy black garb & makeup style, often called ‘Goth.’ Lots of facial body piercings and tattoos. Fred met her over several coffees, and eventually the young Mum and child came to Fred’s church Sunday morning. Afterwards she said to Fred, “I’m sorry, I don’t want to be rude but I just don’t fit in here,” and didn’t explain further. Fred lost touch. A month later her Mum asked Fred to do the funeral service. She had committed suicide.

Our church values, like Christ, never change. But we need to remember WHY we come to church. Ask yourself this. I have. Lets talk with each other, change together, and help change the good people ‘outside’ our church by us changing. Together.

Be richly blessed, Pastor Andy.




Category: Old Group - News
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About Pastor Andy McManus

Married to Kay, 4 great kids, 4 beautiful grand-kids, and a motorbike! Retired Police Inspector, Theology degree from Mattersey. Love God. Didn't know Him until 40 years old. Have a heart to tell others He is true, and we have significant reasons to base our faith. Blessed with a growing family church which is a privilege to lead.