Hi Readers. I hope and pray you all had a peaceful, blessed and CHRIST-filled Christmas.
Can I thank all of you that put so much energy and effort into our special services, both at Dyke and Morton New Day.
There were no spare seats at Morton New Day both on the 13th and 20th December. A real blessing!
Last months blog emphasised both our church activities and EMBA training opportunities.
Please have a look at these, and get involved where you feel called.
I would like to emphasise our ALPHA course starting at our Manse on Tuesday 19th January 7pm.
The best way to get people to come and see is to personally invite them.
So…grab a few of the small red invite cards at the door of both churches, and give them out with an encouraging word.
I am after a few Helpers. You do not have to attend them all. It helps if you have attended an Alpha before, but I will guide you as we go.
I am having a short Alpha Training/Awareness chat after both services on 10th January.
Please stay behind…it will only be 15 minutes and you might be pleasantly surprised!
So…a new year often brings about reflection, assessment and new resolutions.
This normally involves dedicating regular time to these intended activities.
When Jesus was 12, we read in Luke 2:52 he grew in 4 areas; Physically, Wisdom, and in His relationships with both God and man.
How about making your 2016 aligned to the same 4 areas?
Be blessed, Pastor Andy 🙂
Andy Mc.