Hi Readers.
What an intense 4 weeks. We have just had the leaving service for our church Elder John and his wife Sue, acknowledging their move to Cheshire. A ‘flock’ photo was taken and is on the church website.
Sadly we have conducted the funeral of our previous Elder, Derek, who is sorely missed. Also we have acknowledged Win Swift has gone to Glory, and the funeral of Geoff Darvill is next week.
The ALPHA course has finished with all involved truly blessed. Many thanks to those that have cooked and helped in many ways. There will be another, and please speak to me if you know of prospective attendees.
Kay and I were blessed attending ‘Church Big Day Out’ in Cheshire, and our church guest speakers Rick, Ricki and Sue all spoke powerfully. Also, our ladies form the Congo, Carol & Ginny, have blessed us speaking at Sunday service. Thank you all.
Preparations are under way for the Holiday Club, (24th-26th), and a picture of the amazing Pirates back drop is on our church website.
We are also looking forward to Morton Street Fair, (8th), and if you can help in our Church or shop please speak up!
Kay is taking 12 of our Ladies away this weekend to a castle in Derbyshire…we pray they are again richly blessed.
Finally, we have just ended our sermon series on Faith. There is so much in this life we do not understand. We can grasp God is perfect. He is love. He loves each of us as we are. He seeks our relationship and attention. Why not bring a friend to church, or you attend one of our Home Groups, and get to walk a little closer with our loving God.
Be blessed, Pastor Andy.