Category Archives: Good Stuff
16.July, 3 min news story with inspiring end :-)
11.July, Kay’s “Encounter” service with meditation & worship…excellent!
Today’s village Treasure Hunt, details below…..
Sat 11th Virtual Village Show (Street Fair) details…
If you are planning to enter the longest bean or tallest sunflower classes in the Virtual Village Show on 11th July then please include a scale in your photos. If the sunflowers are growing at an angle then we can always use Pythagorus’s Theorem to calculate their height.
1.July. 10min vid, excellent!
Old Gold from Billy Graham, “Who is Jesus?”
IMPORTANT!!! Please read attached re-meeting this Monday 22nd 7pm…
15.June…Prayer Engine 7.30pm tomorrow linked with ALIVE churches!…
Topic: ALIVE churches Prayer evening Please phone Andy with any questions. See you there on zoom! Time: Jun 16, 2020 7:30 PM London Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 826 5489 7727 Password: H2W
11.June Coffee morning, Andy cuts his own hair, (2m30s)
6. June, Derek, ‘The New Normal’, (2min read)
June 2020 As a man sat reading his newspaper one morning the doorbell rang, opening the door he was greeted by a delivery driver, standing at the regulation two metres distance, “Parcel there for you”, he said, pointing towards the doorstep, “Thanks”, replied the man, picking up the box, “Something good?” asked the driver, “I… Read More »