Hi Readers.
Last month’s blog was about ‘change’. Our church interior has been refurbished and this change has been very well received. We were visited last week by our new Regional Minister, Mark Clay, who was very impressed. We thanked East Mids. Baptist Assn for donating £5000 towards this. Can I take this opportunity to thank YOU, the church, for your generosity at our Gift Day, weekly donations, monthly subscriptions, and your time and effort. There is still a bit of ‘fine-tuning’ to be done, but the main bits are done. Thank you all.
Daphne Cox has done an amazing job again this season arranging and leading our Christmas Carols in the Care Homes. As I type this through Christmas week, we have been blessed at Dyke and MND with beautiful Christmas services, with powerful words both said and sung. It was also a blessing to be joined by some new faces at both churches.
As we look forward to 2017 we have a visit at MND on January 8th from Carol & Ginny, our missionary friends who live and work in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Starting Tuesday 31st Jan, 7pm, our Manse, and then following every Tuesday same time & place, we are running another ALPHA.org course. Please check out the ALPHA website for content. These are free, involve a good meal, short video, and open discussion about the ‘big’ questions in all of our lives. If you, and friends, are free Tuesdays, please come. You will be amazed at how much is evidentially known about Jesus, why He came, and what that means right now today. I went along, (very reluctantly!), and was literally changed forever.
Have a blessed 2017, and remember Christ is not just at CHRISTmas, He is forever!
Pastor Andy.