Pastor’s Blog.
I write this as we are about to start a new year. Last month’s blog mentioned how fast time passes, and Christmas came and went almost in a blink!
December saw the funeral of our beloved ‘Scottish’ Catherine RAE. What an absolute blessing she has been for so many for so long. In particular our Mums and little ones at TOTS Club, who like many will miss her warm smile and servant heart.
Kay, Rita & Cheryl helped pull together a wonderful, fun Nativity including street dance and rap. Thank you all involved.
Both Morton New Day, (MND) & Dyke were blessed with large numbers attending both Christmas services. It really is a privilege to be part of two healthy friendly churches.
I hope you, reading this, felt blessed through all the rush that Christmas often seems to be.
In Luke 2:52, when Jesus us just 12, we read he intentionally grew in 4 areas. I think as we look forward to 2018, we might look at how we spend our valuable time, and align our activities similarly…
1) WISDOM: Read good books, ask questions, journal.
2) STATURE: Look after you! Eat & drink sensibly, exercise.
3) RELATIONSHIP with MAN: Make true friends
4) RELATIONSHIP with GOD: As with number 3!
If you want to chat, pray, ask questions, please get hold of me or Kay through our site ‘’
Every blessing, Pastor Andy.