Pastor’s blog for October 2019.
Kay recently led our first ‘Encounter’ service, which will be every second Sunday at 7pm. These are a special hour of worship, lots of contemporary music, based around specific scripture with personal contemplation. If you want to ‘encounter’ our God more intimately, please join us October 13th or November 10th
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the £500 we sent to Carol and Ginny last month. Also the £700 we raised together for the family of Julie Hamilton’s severely injured brother, Matthew. The final effort involved Tom climbing Ben Nevis in what sounds like horrendous conditions. Well done to all involved!
Last Friday, 10 families totalling 44 people attended Bourne Foodbank. Their foodstocks are running low due to high demand. So, although we encourage you to donate non-perishables all year round, we are having a specific push at Harvest service, October 6th Morton and 13th at Dyke. Boxes are just inside front doors both churches.
The strap line of our church is simply, ‘God IN, love OUT’. Let’s intentionally show our community some of the love of Jesus we have been learning about these past few Sundays.
Looking forward to hearing your views either at the Member’s meeting 8th October, 7pm, or anytime in person, phone, email, whatever!
Be blessed this Autumn, Pastor Andy.