Pastor’s Blog July…

By | 2nd August 2016

Pastors blog for July 2016


Hi Readers.

Looking back so much has happened recently. Although the weather was against us, May Camp was a huge success with loads of Christ-centred kids craft, Bible discussions twice daily, communal food and great evening entertainment. It was literally a full house on the final evening with 50 enjoying the 4 fellas doing their first private gig away from worship at Bourne Baptist (thank again fellas).

The Queen’s 90th birthday was celebrated in grand style at Dyke Chapel, with her official message of serving our divine King and those around us fitting perfectly with the chronology of our Sermon series on the Lord’s Prayer. Also a substantial money gift was raised for our Ladies in the Congo. Thank you.

We had a very positive Member’s Meeting where we unanimously agreed to press on with all the refurbishment proposals. These include pseudo-stained glass to upper front windows, sage green curtains, new carpet, folding glass partition doors and a lick of paint throughout. The repairs to the plastering will be finished next week.

The Gift Day raised over £5,000. I am absolutely blown away by your generosity. Forms are being prepared to apply to East Mids Baptist Asscn for a matched grant.

Looking forwards the ‘Your Youth Club’ are around 20 strong, and are going to ‘Bounce’ in Peterborough this month, and we are still looking for volunteers to work in our shop on the normal roster and the Morton Street Fair this month.

Please pray for both MND & Dyke churches. Let the love of God that we have been blessed with shine out to all that we meet, particularly in our villages.


Be richly blessed, Pastor Andy.



Category: Old Group - News
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About Pastor Andy McManus

Married to Kay, 4 great kids, 4 beautiful grand-kids, and a motorbike! Retired Police Inspector, Theology degree from Mattersey. Love God. Didn't know Him until 40 years old. Have a heart to tell others He is true, and we have significant reasons to base our faith. Blessed with a growing family church which is a privilege to lead.